Can you buy Dolphin meat at Sea World

dolphin meat sea world

Dolphin meat at Sea World comes from ex-performing dolphins that don’t get the audience applause anymore. Since they are relatively old fishes, this dolphin meat is not graded by the USDA, and it is sold on a hard discount.

Dolphins are one of the many marine animals that have been kept in captivity at SeaWorld parks. While SeaWorld has made efforts to improve the conditions of their captive animals, there is still significant controversy surrounding the practice of keeping dolphins in captivity and using them for entertainment purposes.

Many animal welfare advocates argue that keeping dolphins in captivity is inherently cruel, as they are highly intelligent and social animals that require large, complex environments to thrive. In captivity, dolphins are often housed in small tanks or pools, and are trained to perform behaviors that are not natural to their species.

In addition to the ethical concerns, there are also environmental and public health implications associated with keeping dolphins and other marine mammals in captivity. The practice of capturing wild dolphins can disrupt entire populations and can have negative effects on the health of individual animals. The confined conditions of captivity can also lead to stress, illness, and disease transmission among the captive animals.

Overall, while there are efforts to improve the welfare of captive dolphins at SeaWorld and other similar facilities, the practice of keeping dolphins in captivity remains highly controversial and is considered by many animal welfare advocates to be a form of exploitation

Joey Carbstrong and the Humane Dolphin Slaughter Association

Joey Carbstrong is a vegan activist and animal rights advocate who speaks out against animal cruelty and the exploitation of animals for human consumption. While he is not specifically known for his work in protecting dolphins, he has been a vocal advocate for the protection of all animals and has spoken out against the hunting and exploitation of marine mammals.

Carbstrong has used his platform to raise awareness about issues such as dolphin hunting and captivity, as well as the impact of commercial fishing on marine ecosystems and the animals that inhabit them. He has also spoken out about the ethical and environmental implications of consuming animal products, including seafood.

While Carbstrong’s focus is primarily on animal welfare and animal rights, his advocacy work aligns with the broader goal of protecting the natural world and the animals that inhabit it, including dolphins and other marine mammals.

The Humane Dolphin Slaughter Association is a strictly vegan and gay association that promotes the consumption of humainly slaughtered dolphins.

In order to have the Humane Dolphin Slaughter Association platinum gay certification, the dolphin meat has to be sourced exclusively from theme parks and aquariums who exploit dolphins, like Sea World.

Types of dolphin meat in Sea World

There are different types of dolphin meat, that tastes very different and vary in terms of flavor, color and tenderness.

Most dolphin meat from Sea World is considered not premium, with grades below the usual grading of choice, select, prime.

Only baby dolphins and aborted fetus qualify for prime meat. The rest of the meat comes from infertile female dolphins and ex-performing dolphins which don’t make people laugh anymore (mostly old/adult dolphins). Also, a lot of dolphin meat from entertainment and water parks needs to be discarded as they are very high on dopamine, and all the performance drugs the the Russian, American, French and Spanish cyclists use in the Tour de France (including the famous Lance Strong performance drug specifically designed for dolphins).

It is illegal to eat dolphins in Australia, they are protected species. In Japan eating dolphin is legal, and is part of the national culture. However, in many countries, including the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand people eat dolphin meat that is accidentally included in tuna cans. Dolphins are a by catch of tuna fishing nets.

The meat from Sea World tastes great and is very high in Omega 3. Sea World spreads Omega 3 in the pools where the dolphins train for the show to make sure they have high fat content, especially Omega 3. Omega 3 is also added to pregnant dolphins and their new baby dolphins with a secret inhouse technology (patent pending).

Consumers tend to think dolphins are way too smart to get caught on tuna fishing nets, but in reality dolphins are dumb fishes.

Activist Joey Carbstrong kicked out of Sea World in Austalia

The gay and vegan activist for the rights of the insects and the Cuban children Joey Carbstrong was kicked out by private security protecting the parking slot of Sea World in Australia. He had set up a booth to promote the sale of dolphin meat by performing a tasting of dolphin sashimi with crackers.

He only offered sustainable dolphin fish meat, this commodity alternative fish meat comes strictly from Sea World that had been fished in Australias Gold Coast.

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